So this is how it all went down in a nut shell.
4 quarters of football with a score of 0 to 0.
It was a complete defensive show down!
Raiders when the coin toss and get the ball first on the 10 yard line
First pass=touchdown! Their crowd goes crazy!!!!!
2 point conversion attempt by the Raiders...receiver catches the ball and is then hit by Wilson and he fumbles it into the endzone, where our fastest player, Chris, recovers it and runs it back for a 100 + yard, scores us 2 points on the board and our crowd goes absolutley BALLISTIC!!!! (myself included)
The Raider fans are silenced! :)
6 to 2: The Raiders have the lead
Longhorns take the field with the ball on the 10 yard line.
1st down=run the ball=gain a few yards
2nd down= run the ball=gain a few yards
3rd down and goal= punch it into the endzone
Longhorns 8: Raiders 6
It was a night that we will never forget. Words can not express how thankful I am that Matthew had such an amazing experience for his first year of football. The coaches were awesome and his teammates were amazing! From the beginning of the season to the end, Matthew grew by leaps and bounds. He initially was faced against our largest player for a tackle drill and he had no idea what to do nor how to the last tackling drill, he took him out along with one of our best tacklers on the team. It was AWESOME.
Needless to say....I LOVE FOOTBALL!